The Head Formula 130 MV GW is one of those boots that testers say shouldn't ski as well as it does for how cushy, comfy and convenient it is--but it does! Head has revised the Formula liners to a place where they provide a praiseworthy blend of comfort and control, testers say, calling this version the best all-mountain performance medium they've ever tested from Head. Where many boots either occupy one end of the spectrum defined by creature comfort while others live at the other end, in the pure performance cul-de-sac, the Formula 130 MV splits the difference nicely. The scores back that up--its highest scores (4.90 & 4.80 out of 5) were found in the Convenience, Warmth & Features category and the Edge Power category.
The Formula's chassis is modeled off of the Raptor WCR boots, with a new polyurethane plastic blend that testers like for its resilient and energized flex feel and that bootfitters like for its easy grinding and stretching character. The stance map is neutral, with just a hint of extra leverage to the inside edge with a 0.5-degree tip out of the cuff. Testers loved the dynamic and technical feel of this boot, whether it was driving a piste ski on hardpack or a fatty in pow. There were virtually no complaints about the fit or performance of the Formula 130 MV, save a few mentions that after on snow testing the fit opened up to a "generous" medium width for some testers.
The features kit on the Formula boots is well-crafted and useful, testers said, highlighting the snap in cuff adjustment disks that move the upper boot 1-degree in or out and fit enhancement features like the Form Fit shell morphing oven-cook option or the ankle and heel filling Liquid Fit injection. Bootfitter testers remind skiers that Liquid Fit works best if the boot is properly sized to begin with (it won't fix a too-big boot fit) and is most effective after the liner has been broken in with several days of skiing prior to injection. Testers like the 50mm Velcro strap with the gliding PowerPlate that allows for broad distribution of pressure at the boot top. Some testers miss the double pulley style Booster strap found on other Head flagship models and a few still gripe about Spine Flex buckles, but these were minor concerns amidst an overwhelmingly positive response to a solid performer.