Atomic Hawx Ultra 130 RS GW

Model Year
All-Mountain Traditional
Last Width
Flex Index
Price (MSRP)

Great snug fit outta the box. Absolutely perfect narrow fit. Hugs everywhere snug but not too tight anywhere. Firm with good grip yet comfortable to my hot spots. These were a few of the many comments testers made about the fit of the new Atomic Hawx Ultra 130 RS GW. It has historically been one of the narrowest boots at our test--and this year was no different--but usually it comes with its share of complaints about its tight fit hammering on bony points. Not this time around, testers said, citing a shockingly comfortable combination of tightness and anatomical shape. The other typical gripe about the 130 flex Hawx Ultra has been its difficulty in getting on and off, especially when cold. That too has vanished from testers' commentary, as this year's liner revisions have created a much more user-friendly mountain-slaying beast. For less aggressive skiers looking for an even easier way in and out of this narrow boot there is a non-RS version that is a little less stiff but even more friendly and less beastly. Our crew liked the beast.

And the Hawx Ultra remains a predator--if our predatory behavior metaphor can be applied to how it helps a ski to slice, gnash, crush and generally gobble up whatever terrain or snow surface it encounters. Testers have always liked how the Hawx Ultra skied but this year they came up with fresh ways to describe how quickly it responds to foot movements, how able it is to return to a balanced, centered position, how accurately it guides the ski through difficult snow and how powerfully it transmits brute strength to the edge when it matters. If one were to point to its best qualities based on testers' feedback this year it would have to be its anatomical fit and its agility--both those categories received 4.91's (out of 5.0) after getting put through the paces by 12 different testers. That's saying something we think.

There is a spot on our test app where testers are asked to list the boot's worst qualities. There were several entries there, but they all read something like: "Nothing to report here." That also says something about the revised Atomic Hawx Ultra 130, which to our mind has not always gotten the props it deserves, as spelled out this year by one tester who said, still one of the very best narrow class rippers on the market.


Sizes (MP) 
Hike Mode 
Boot width profile 
Also in this Collection 
120, 110, 100
Cantology Compatible 
Total Avg Score 
Shell/Cuff/Tongue Plastic 
Anatomical Fit and Initial Feel 
Dynamic Balance 
Edge Power & Fore-Aft Support 
Quickness, Steering & Feel 
Convenience, Warmth & Features 
Tech Compatible 


  • “Firm with good grip, yet comfortable on my hot spots.” -- Jim Schaffner
  • “Great snug fit outta the box.” -- Jim Morris
  • “Absolutely perfect narrow fit. Hugs everywhere snugly but not too tight anywhere. Toe box feels less pointy and more round this year with a thicker-feeling, cushy liner that makes this boot feel even more powerful. Definitely the most-improved fit and performance of any boot in this category. Narrow feet will love this fit. Skis better than anything I've ever skied from Atomic. Awesome boot. ” -- Kevin Gabriel
  • “Defines low volume. Responsiveness is vibrant and the ski responds with a clean turn.” -- Bob Gleason
  • “Lots of return-to-center energy and easy, quick steering.” --
  • “Quick on the draw, i thought I'd be dead; he put the gun to my head and this is what he said--the Beastie Boys would love this boot! So good to see Atomic keep this gem intact with what makes it special. It's a wonderful boot for me--I think others will enjoy it too. ” -- Dallas Goldsmith
  • “Just pressure the edge and hold on. Very crisp from edge to edge. All-mountain ripper--Atomic Hawx Ultra is a blast from top to bottom. ” -- Pat Sullivan

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