Lange RX 130

Model Year
All-Mountain Traditional
Last Width
Flex Index
Cantology Compatible
Price (MSRP)

The 2021/2022 Lange RX 130 was tested in the men’s All-Mountain Traditional medium category by the experts at America's Best Bootfitters, powered by Masterfit.

The Gist

To say that the new Lange RX 130 is the slightly roomier doppelganger of the narrow RX LV is an understatement—to the hundredth, they scored an exact tie at a nearly perfect final score of 4.83. Testers have come to expect a winning performance from the RX line-up and this year was no different with Lange’s re-energized 100mm. Just like its narrow brother, the RX 130 also received two perfect scores out of five test categories. Just like the LV, one of them was for edge power. The other (and this is the beauty of the medium width version) was for warmth, convenience and features—this is the new Lange, folks.

The Fit

We took a close look at the fit scores for the medium RX and compared them to the RX LV narrow. Not surprisingly we saw a moderate opening of each score parameter for the 100mm with the exceptions of the toebox, instep and calf where an extra bit of room was available. One fit zone was tied for both—the ankle pockets, which testers said were on the snug side for the medium width group but so well-shaped that few testers minded. The cuff was a hit with the thicker legged testers who were able to generally keep the rear spoiler in place comfortably, and testers were fans of the new RBT (Reactive Boost Tongue) shin fit before they even knew it was new. How could we work a gnu into this write up?


The RBT tongue is initially a fit feature, the way it contours along the lower leg and cushions the shin in newfound ways of bliss for the shin-tortured. However, once the flexing occurred while tapped into a ski and sliding, testers discovered that there is a performance minded reason for integrating this e-TPU, or expanded thermoplastic polyurethane, into the tongue. Testers cited a more resilient feeling flex pattern and a cushioned feel yet strong energy transfer to the front of the ski. Snappy, active and energized were some of the descriptors for how the new tongue’s foam affected feel on snow. As mentioned above, the boot received a perfect score for its dialed stance angles which not only backs up what testers have been saying for years about how an RX allows skiers to move the way they want to without adjustment, but it also makes both the RX’s quickness and edge power grades seem poor by comparison—and they were both 4.71! For an ideal blend of balanced stance, rock solid edge control and hyper aware contact with the snow testers say there are few better than this one.

Cool Features

We think it’s pretty cool that the RX 130 received a perfect score for convenience, warmth and features. That’s what we been sayin’ about Lange for many years, and all of our testers say that people still remember the Lange from the 70’s and 80’s. It’s time to get with the times, peeps. Our testers are also stoked on how Lange’s Cool Features are core boot elements rather than superfluous doo-dads. The Dual Core plastic injection process is legit—in our tests between non-Dual Core Lange models and newly released Dual Core versions of the same model (same mold, same liner) testers were instantly blown away by the different feel the internally sandwiched plastic densities gave to the boots. It was simultaneously better flexing but more powerful with a noticeably quicker turn entry and progressive transfer of energy to the ski. This new Reactive Boost Tongue (RBT) technology is similarly real—testers who knew nothing about the liner update came back from their on-snow tests raving about the tongue’s combined comfort and new level of energy release while skiing. Of course there’s cool stuff like GripWalk soles, dual screw style lateral cuff adjustment and a fat 45mm Velcro power strap, but for our team that’s just the icing on a very tasty cake.

Sizes (MP) 
Hike Mode 
Boot width profile 
Also in this Collection 
RX 120, RX 110, RX 100
Cantology Compatible 
Total Avg Score 
Shell/Cuff/Tongue Plastic 
Dual Core polyether/Dual Core polyether/n.a.
Anatomical Fit and Initial Feel 
Dynamic Balance 
Edge Power & Fore-Aft Support 
Quickness, Steering & Feel 
Convenience, Warmth & Features 
Tech Compatible 

This boot available at...

Costa Mesa, CA
Teton VIllage, WY
Warren, VT
Houston, TX
Telluride, CO

Special thanks to all of our sponsors!

