How Do We Create The World's Best Ski Boot Reviews?

We start the boot test process in early winter by working with our brand partners to determine which boots will be tested in each of five categories: Frontside, All-Mountain Traditional, All-Mountain Walk, All-Mountain Freeride and Backcountry. Virtually every boot brand participates in our boot test as it remains the only one like it, worldwide. Our test team is comprised of a core group of Masterfit University instructors, MFU trained bootfitters and boot sellers who know boots inside and out (and who also are good skiers and have been testing boots for many years). We also invite ski industry professionals like coaches, instructors, patrollers, rental technicians and resort administrative staff to test boots.

Boots in the Skiing Renaissance

What we've been reminded over the past couple years is that skiing sure is fun! Nothing like a pandemic-driven lockdown of society to make you re-appreciate sliding down a snow-covered hill, right? Okay, so everybody else had the same idea and the mountain commutes and lift lines have gotten a little crazy. While the mask-over-nose goggle fogging phenomenon may be over there's a new challenge: keeping one's cool in the midst of the like-minded crowds. It's been proven that warm and comfy boots will extend one's patience horizon and help avoid embarrassing on-hill conniption fits. An ABB bootfitter near you can help with that...

Best All-Mountain Ski Boots of 2022-2023

The broadest and most popular ski boot category remains the All-Mountain Traditional group--mostly four-buckle overlap designs with non-releaseable cuffs--and there our testers find the most variety in fit profiles in narrow, medium and wide lasts and all possible flexes. These go-everywhere boots balance comfort and performance like no other category and will suit any foot, leg or instep shape and volume. While boots are getting lighter, the All-Mountain Traditional category is still dominated by polyurethane plastic, though increasingly in thin shell wall designs that reduce weight, improve wrapping for better fit and closure but maintain a strong foundation where it counts for stability and performance.

Special thanks to all of our sponsors!

