All-Mountain Access
Boots that are difficult to get on (and off) now remain the sport’s biggest stumbling block for skiers, veteran or rookie alike. While we think boots are as easy to put on as they’ve ever been, there are still skiers who struggle, whether due to physical inflexibility, reduced hand-strength or other injury- or health-related complications. There are boots that make ease of entry a primary design feature. Some of these are re-purposed rear-entry designs from the 80’s that have been reconfigured with modern materials and finishes. Other models might focus on the releasable cuff of the walk-mode style boot to enhance entry—a rearwardly releasable cuff generally aids entry as the “corner” between upper and lower boot is more straightened-out. The combination of an open-topped cabrio design with a spiral-wrapping liner can also help those with entry and exit challenges.
The All-Mountain Access category is open to models that offer some enhanced fit element or design feature that reduces a skier’s barrier to entry and enjoyment of skiing. Our testers understand that sometimes gains in these criteria may result in sacrifices in other, higher-performance test metrics. Our testing process rewards boots that deliver for their intended audience for fit, features and performance, so a Gold Medal boot in the All-Mountain Access category might not ski as strongly at high speeds as, say, those found in the Frontside category.